Sunday, April 13, 2008

How to be a UX One

Leah Buley from Adaptive Path presented probably the most "rock star" presentation. It might have even been right along the lines of Spools Keynote. The premise of her presentation is how to do UX only by yourself and she focused on the design portion of this process. On to the bullet points...
In her previous role she was the only UX person and had to do everything
She fell into a mode of moving blame around if something didn't work such as the development or functional requirements process
Went to adpative path and was handed a stack of postit notes and a marker and asked to sketch ideas and it freaked her out
Worked with other to generate design
She generates many ideas and then refines and removes designs
She now has 3 ideas for a team of one
Brainstorm a lot
Team (ad hoc) meetings
Pick your favorites designs
She took Evite and used their current page as an example of how she could work with it
Brainstormed and used conceptual frames works (she uses spectrums, 2x2 spectrums, grides and word associations)
She also keeps an inspiration library to review

Assemble an ad hoc team
Make sketchboards
Run template based workshops (we need to do this)
Decorate your space(people walk by and start talking)
Walk around and ask for opinion

Pick the best idea
Keep a point to stay in contact with and focus on that and meet that goal
Business needs are good
User needs are better
Business needs and user needs together = design principles
Design princples are not just one liners but a mixture that gets a strong selling point across.

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