Saturday, April 12, 2008

The design and architecture of social web experiences

This was a very good session. The speakers broke the time into 3 parts overview of the topic and 1 part activity. The slides will be available on slide share after the conference. Once the slides are up I will post a link out to them.

Some key quotes and points:
"if you really want a community, you can't just put technology out there - you have to take part."
The Simple (Hard) Steps:
Have a compelling idea
Community Manager
Short Clear Rules for the site
Write a good TOS
Punish swiftly and nicely
Reward contributions
Spread the word out
Adapt to community norms
Apologize swiftly and frequently
Simple good software that grows with group
"80% of design time is spent on 20% that doesn't matter that much..."
Site needs to support conversations.

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